Attorney Profiles
Meet the Team
Jurisdictions Attorney is Licensed in:
- All California State Courts, Central District of California, and 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
- FINRA Securities Arbitration in California and other states.
Date Admitted to the Bar: 1975
Colleges Attended, Degree & Year Graduated:
- University of California, Berkeley, A.B. Degree June 1971
- Southwestern University School of Law, J.D. Degree May 1975
Professional Memberships & Achievements:
- California State Bar
- Public Investors Advocate Bar Association (PIABA)
- Los Angeles County Bar Association
- Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles (CAALA)
- Consumer Attorneys of California
- Beverly Hills Bar Association
- San Fernando Valley Bar Association
- SuperLawyers Awarded 2007-2013, 2015-2022
Associate Attorney
Jurisdictions Attorney is Licensed in:
- All California State Courts, Central District of California, Eastern District of California, and 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
- FINRA Securities Arbitration in California and other states.
Date Admitted to the Bar: 1997
Professional History:
- Jonathan W. Evans & Associates, 2006 to present
- JAMS, The Resolution Experts, 2001-2005
- NASD Dispute Resolution Inc., Senior Staff Attorney 1997-2001
Colleges Attended, Degree & Year Graduated:
- Whittier College, B.A. Degrees in Business Administration and Economics, cum laude, June 1994
- Pepperdine University School of Law, J.D. Degree June 1997
- Pepperdine University, Straus Institute of Dispute Resolution, Master's Degree, June 2001
Professional Memberships & Achievements:
- Public Investors Advocate Bar Association, President (October 2021 to Present)
- Public Investors Advocate Bar Association Board of Directors (2015-present)
- Public Investors Advocate Bar Association (PIABA)
- Public Investors Advocate Bar Association Journal, Editor-in-Chief (2014-2015)
- Volunteer Attorney for Legal Aid Society of Orange County
- SuperLawyers Awarded 2020-2022
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