California Stockbroker Fraud Attorney
Recognizing and Resolving Cases of Stockbroker Fraud
Did you get high-pressure sales talks with promises of high returns within a relatively short time frame? Have you or a loved one received uninvited investment offers from individuals you don't really know? Has your broker made investments or trades without fully informing you beforehand? These and many other activities may be signs of securities fraud. If a stockbroker, financial advisor or a brokerage firm has caused you to suffer large investment losses or you feel this may be imminent, we urge you to quickly contact an accomplished California securities fraud lawyer.
Why Choose Our Stockbroker Fraud Attorney?
For over 35 years, The Law Offices of Jonathan W. Evans & Associates have provided committed and knowledgeable representation in securities arbitration, mediation and litigation. Actions that Mr. Evans undertakes on your behalf may help to prevent or minimize financial damages in the future. Additionally, he is dedicated to recovering losses you may have already incurred.
In large part, the firm's success derives from concentration on advocating only for public customers. Mr. Evans record of accomplishments also comes from the fact that 95% of his practice is devoted to securities arbitration cases. This permits his legal team to keep abreast of any changes in applicable state securities laws and the current illegal financial schemes. The firm is highly skilled at achieving its major objective – to use the correct legal tool to recover the greatest amounts possible in your case.
Over the past years, Mr. Evans team has litigated hundreds of securities arbitration claims. The firm has tried over 80 cases to completion at the FINRA. In addition, Mr. Evans has assisted hundreds of public investors in their disputes. He is proud to have settled countless of these in a favorable manner for his clients. Although no result can be guaranteed, it is important that you understand your legal options. As well, you will want to know what effective actions Mr. Evans can take if you have been a victim of misrepresentation, omissions and false statements in your investments and other financial dealings.
Did you suffer investment losses? Reach out to our Los Angeles stockbroker fraud attorney today! Contact us online or call (818) 760-9880.
Busting the “Net Out of Pocket” Myth
Your investor or broker has an obligation to act in a manner that is ethical and will benefit you. That is why you hired this individual and invested your money in the first place. When "net out of pocket" occurs, it can be a breach of fiduciary duty and there are a range of legal remedies that Mr. Evans can engage in to resolve this situation.
Through churning (excessive trading), unsuitable securities investments, unauthorized trades, failures to execute trades and other methods, financial losses can be significant. The firm's experience and commitment can assist those who have been harmed by a breach of contract, margin account abuse, risky over concentration on a given stock or industry and registration violations. Mr. Evans is also fully versed in illegal insider trading and how to protect your rights and seek justice in such matters.
Myth: Offsetting Principal Losses Via Investments Earned
Of note is that corporate securities law defense lawyers are highly skilled at protecting the best interests of their clients. The financial issues and state and federal laws and regulations are complex. It is imperative that you are represented by an attorney from Mr. Evan's firm who is highly accomplished and knowledgeable in this area of the law. A good example is known as the Net Out of Pocket (NOP) myth. This is the fiction that interest and dividends you earned on an investment may be utilized to offset principal losses. NOP is the argument that is routinely used by defense attorneys to try to limit the recovery of your losses. In many cases, with dedicated and experienced counsel, the NOP myth can be overcome.
Call a Stockbroker Fraud Attorney in Los Angeles
On securities fraud, there are two errors that could be made. One is to do nothing and the other is to hesitate to take action, due to uncertainty of you have actually been a victim of stockbroker fraud. Mr. Evans encourages you to call his firm so that your questions about your financial losses can be answered, and he can identify whether you are a victim of stockbroker fraud. Reach out to our stockbroker fraud attorneys in California today!
Contact us online or call (818) 760-9880 today if you suspect you are a victim of stockbroker fraud. Our California stockbroker fraud lawyers are ready to help!
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