California Mutual Fund Lawyer
What Are the Risks Associated With Mutual Fund Investments?
Mutual funds are perhaps the most widely-utilized of all investment products. Up to half of all American families have savings invested in mutual funds as a means of retirement planning or other financial goals. Mutual funds are operated by money managers who use pools of collective investor capital to invest in stocks, bonds as per the funds' stated objectives. Although this type of investment is generally regarded as safe, there are risks that public investors must remain aware of. Stockbrokers, brokerage firms and investment advisors who do not appropriately relay these risks may be in violation of state securities laws, and could be liable for the loss incurred as a result of a bad investment.
Far too often, industry professionals cut corners when encouraging investors to move forward with commonly-utilized products like mutual funds. Terms may not be fully disclosed through misrepresentation and omission of the facts. Negligencecan play a role in a brokers' reluctance to fully-research a particular fund. Issues ofsuitability can be called into question if the investor was pushed into the transaction in the account churning process. When these investments result in substantial losses, a California securities fraud lawyer with The Law Offices of Jonathan W. Evans & Associates can help to recover the loss through securities arbitration, securities mediation or securities litigation.
California Mutual Fund Recovery Lawyer
For more than 35 years, our firm has worked hard to assist clients in the recovery of lost investments due to negligence, fraud or other misconduct on the part of stockbrokers, brokerage firms and investment advisors. Recognized as a top 5% Southern California Super Lawyer for experience, reputation and ethics, main attorney Jonathan W. Evans has a broad range of experience in recognizing investment losses through a variety of circumstances. Our dedicated staff has a clear understanding of the law, and we possess the knowledge and skill to hold responsible the parties who encouraged you into a bad investment. We have built a solid reputation with public investors, as is reflected in the hundreds of disputes, arbitrations, mediations and litigations we have represented in the life of our practice.
Seek Justice for Your Investment Losses in California with our Experienced Mutual Fund Attorneys.
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