Profit & Loss
Understanding the Basics of P&L Situations
The corruption abounding in the securities industry, as well as unscrupulous individuals trying to make fast money through deceit, can certainly make one cautious about making investments. It is important to be able to recognize the hype and avoid the hazards. If you are feeling like you have been tricked or deceived into making investments, you should contact a qualified attorney at our firm as soon as possible.
A common method of deceit is the use of a P&L. All manner of clever, and completely dishonest and illegal, means can be used to manipulate the P&L so the investment you are making looks sound or at least diminishes the tremendous risk that exists in reality. For example, one can defer the recognition of losses to improve the appearance of the company's health on the P&L and many more ingenious and devious deceptions.
Trusted Securities Fraud Representation in Your Area
Our firm has been serving public investors for over 35 years. We have established a prominent reputation for our integrity and skill in pursuing the many types of fraud that can be found in brokerage firms, with brokers and financial advisors. We understand how the manipulation of P&Ls promote and forward the NOP myth of a company. Recognizing investment losses has become an art amongst the criminally minded.
We are here to protect your rights and bring some justice to an industry that has seriously gone out of control in some sectors. Jonathan W. Evans is the founder of our firm and has personally helped hundreds of individuals to resolve their claims. We have achieved a significant number of successful resolutions, which contributes to the high ratings we receive from our peers.
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